What is chiropractic care?
Chiropractic care consists of specific gentle manipulations (adjustments) to the bones and joints of the spine, extremities, and cranium (skull) to correct subluxations (misalignments).
What is a subluxation?
A subluxation means a misalignment of a vertebra (bone in the spine), part of an extremity (i.e. wrist, ankle, knee, etc.), or cranium.
What causes subluxations?
Subluxations are caused by physical, emotional, or chemical stress. Some examples of physical, emotional, and chemical stressors are as follows: Physical stress may be caused by trauma, poor posture, and improper lifting. Emotional stress may be caused by the death of a close family member and going through a divorce. Chemical stress may be caused by smoking, alcohol, and caffeine consumption.
Who can benefit from chiropractic care?
Senior citizens, adults, teenagers, adolescents, and infants can benefit from chiropractic care. Subluxations exist within all age groups.
How do you know if I am subluxated?
A chiropractic evaluation will reveal if you are subluxated. Common findings include muscular tightness, spasm or weakness, and a difference in length between the right and left legs.
What problems can occur from spinal subluxations of the spine?
Subluxations of the spine can cause pain, joint stiffness, and a lack of joint mobility. If left untreated, spinal degeneration can occur. Nerve interference is a result of a spinal misalignment. Every organ and muscle of the body can be at risk from nerve interference. For example, misaligned vertebrae in the upper back will interfere with the nerve supply going to the lungs and to the shoulders. This in turn will interfere with proper lung and shoulder function.
What is spinal degeneration?
Spinal degeneration is the breakdown of one or more of the following: bones, discs, ligaments and nerves. Stress and subluxations of the spine causes spinal degeneration.
What symptoms can occur from spinal subluxations?
Symptoms from spinal subluxations include the following: neck, upper back, mid-back or low back pain; arm or leg pain; numbness and tingling sensations; headaches; muscle tightness and spasms; fatigue and many other health problems.
Does chiropractic care help herniated discs?
Oftentimes, herniated discs can be helped by chiropractic care. Restoring normal biomechanics (movement) to the spine can alleviate stress on the discs and surrounding nerves, allowing the discs to heal.
Is maintenance care a good idea?
Yes, maintenance care is a good idea. Chiropractic maintenance care is key to good health, feeling good, and preventing future problems. An analogy can be made between you and your automobile. Chiropractic maintenance care will help your body function more optimally, similar to taking your car to your mechanic for regular oil changes.
What is applied kinesiology?
Applied kinesiology is the use of muscle testing to determine and treat specific imbalances within the body. These imbalances may involve the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, Chinese meridian/energy system, and lymphatic and vascular systems, just to name a few. It is an advanced chiropractic technique.
What are Dr. Greenstein’s treatment options?
Treatment options include chiropractic and applied kinesiology, high-power laser therapy with stealth Micro-Pulse™ technology. , physical therapy, therapeutic exercises, nutritional supplementation, and lifestyle and dietary programs.